Sunday, April 14, 2013

Top Ten Websites for Struggling Readers

The Internet can be a wonderful tool for classroom use. However, sometimes the students who need it most are not privy to the plethora of resources available through the Internet. As a result, we have compiled a list of ten websites specifically for struggling readers. Teachers who deal with this segment of the student population will find this to be of particular use.  

1. Fun Phonix - This website is useful for students who have difficulty with pronouncing words. It is a web 2.0 tool that allows you to make your own phonics worksheets.

This site has iPad apps, professional development videos and
podcasts, info about the Common Core Standards, classroom strategies, reading topics, etc.

This is a great website that allows struggling readers a chance to connect with the material in a visual representation. With the different games student can increase their reading, phonics, and spelling. Every lesson involves teacher instruction and can help with a variety of concepts. Students can navigate the website ideas and games on their own. As teachers we can track their progress and see how to incorporate what they learn into our daily lessons.

Star falls is one of my students’ favorite sites. With the variety of phonics and reading games students can truly enhance their skills. Teachers can suggest specific games and concepts for each student. The oral reading and listening is great for the students that struggle with the visual connections of words. I do think that some activities are not as helpful as others but overall help increase students reading and phonics skills.

K12 Reader is a great program that offers online technology as well as printable resources. There are a variety of games that can be created for students. I think this might be  more teacher friendly site as opposed to kid friendly. 

6. Spell-a-thon
This website is for students who struggle with writing (more specifically spelling). Spellathon makes learning how to spell new words which they can integrate into their own writing very fun.

7. The Story Starter
This web tool generates random story starters for students that can be used for short stories, novels, plays, and much more. It is an excellent tool for students who struggle with writing. This can serve as a great prompt for them as they try to develop their writing skills.

8. Wordle
This web tool allows students to identify frequently-occurring words in a block of text. Words that are difficult can be identified prior to reading this text, making the process easier and more fluid.

9. Mansfield/Richland County Public Library
One of the reasons this is such a great link is its wide range of activities for all types if readers and its oral connections. It is very easy to navigate and any student can increase their reading knowledge. It is a free site and can be used at home.

10. Ad Lit
This is good site for adolescents that struggle with reading. Lots of information, classroom activities and graphic organizers, and links to games and activities for middle school level.

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